Humanitarian Support Services
Humanitarian organisations provide comfort and assistance to much of the world's needy and are often faced with difficult and dangerous environments.
Humanitarian Support Services
Trident Manor’s senior management team have a wealth of experience operating in countries where humanitarian aid and NGO support is needed. From the killing fields of Gulu in Uganda to the displacement of Colombia and the devastated flooded regions of Pakistan support and enabling actions have been provided to government agencies, humanitarian organisations and charities.
Since establishing Trident Manor the Managing Director has continued providing support to the sector through the provision of training, security reviews and operational planning. Whether you are UK based or an international organisation Trident Manor can assist and support your operations through the correct management of risk.
The following are examples of some of the services offered to humanitarian organisations:
Governance Support: Many humanitarian organisations lack robust governance which leads to increased risks to staff, operations and reputation. Trident Manor helps these organisations introduce sensible policies practises and procedures to minimise risk exposure and support risk management practices.
Pre-Deployment Risk Assessment Services: Prior to organisational deployment it is critical that the organisation understands the risks that exist in the country of deployment before planned deployment takes place. Trident Manor provides organisations with a pre-deployment risk assessment that examines security, safety, logistical, health, transportation and communication risks. As a part of the assessment process solutions are offered as are recommendations.
Operational Support: As a continuation of the pre-deployment risk assessment services Trident Manor is able to offer dedicated in-country security risk management support for organisations. This operational support can be as a part of a surge operation or following a change in the risk exposure and can be long or short-term.
All operational support personnel used by Trident Manor have many years of governmental or humanitarian international support experience.
Trident Manor Training Academy also has a series of specialist training programmes focusing on the needs of humanitarian and aid concerns around the world. The programmes are available to browse on the TMTA website linked here.
For further details about these or any other services offered by Trident Manor to the sector please contact us.